Unit page, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

arteria spinalis anterior

Official Latin term arteria spinalis anterior
Official subsidiary term artère spinale antérieure
Unit identifier TAH:U4065
Unit type single
Materiality material
Link to the unit arteria spinalis anterior
Links of entity generic: arteria spinalis anterior
Entity-oriented links Universal page Definition page
External links TA98 FMA PubMed
Partonomic links Level 2: systema arteriosum cerebrospinale Short Extended
Level 3: systema arteriosum spinale
Taxonomic links Level 2: segmentum organi Short Extended
Level 3: arteria
Level 4: systema arteriosum spinale
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic definition
Taxonomic definition The anterior spinal artery is a spinal arterial system [systema arteriosum spinale ] which is formed by the confluence of two branches issued from the left vertebral artery [] and the right vertebral artery [] and descends anteriorly to the spinal cord [medulla spinalis ].

The situation of the arteria spinalis anterior.

This unpaired structure is particular amongst the cerebral arteries, for the reason that it is a quite rare unpaired artery, together with the arteria basilaris and the arteria communicans anterior. Indeed, the system of cerebral arteries is predominantly a double system with a few important anastomoses insuring a beneficial redundancy.

The arteria spinalis anterior is formed by the junction of two branches of the left and right vertebral arteries at the level of the cranium, then the artery descends on the anterior face of the spinal cord, having a number of anastomoses with lateral arteries. It terminates with the spinal cord at the level of L2.

An unpaired artery cannot be a branch of two distinct arteries. Therefore, the arteria spinalis anterior is considered to be part of the systema vertebrobasilare.

corpus humanum
TAH:U4065 arteria spinalis anterior
1 children
Date: 28.06.2023